1. The force between two charged bodies separated in vacuum are free space the distance between them being large compared to the size of bodies is directly proportional to the products of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them what is law applicable
2. A point can be defined as the force exerted on a unit positive test charge at the point is
3. Maxwell static electric field equation is given by
4. A pair of equal and opposite point charges held apart at spacing is
5. Torque on a dipole when placed in a uniform electric field
6. When positive charge is placed inside a closed surface the total electric flux enraging m a closed surface is equal to charge enclosed by surface is
7. Capacitance with single dielectric between the plates is given by
8. The Laplace equation is given by
9. The units of field intensity is
10. Inside a hallow spherical conductor electric field is
11. The potential inside a charged hallow sphere is
12. A sphere of 1mtr radius can attain a maximum potential of
13. Electric current density (j) is defined as
14.1 volt meter is same as
15. Permitivity is expressed in the terms of
16. Silicon germanium is _____ types of conductors
17. Friday, May 06, 2011e charge can be neither created nor destroyed is given by
18. When a conductor to an electric field the electric field intensity inside the conductor is
19. In case of lossless capacitor its series equivalent resistance value will be
20. For dielectric flux is proportional to
21. In a did electric elections gets detached from atoms under
22. The dielectric of charged capacitor experience
23. If q is the charge and c is the capacitance of a condenser then the stored energy in the capacitor is given by
24. The presence of the uncharged conductor near a charged one increase the
25. The number of image charges for a point charge between two conducting planes at an angle of 300 to each other is
26. Two infinitely extended metal plates are both charged with equal surface density of same polarity the electric field gap between them is
27. Units of electrostatic flux density is
28. Sea water has relative permittivity as 80 its permittivity is
29. Amperes law is given by
30. Due to non existence of isolated electric medium is given by
31. Gauss law of point charge is given by
32. Amperes circuital law is given by
33. The current carring conductor placed in magnetic field force is exerted is given by
34. Thumb finger indicate direction of current and fingers encirclement is given by
35. A conductor length l has current I passing through it, when it is placed parallel to a strong magnetic field. The force experienced by conductor is
36. Two straight parallel conductors carrying equal current in opposite direction the force between them is
37. Whenever a conductor cuts magnetic flux an emf is induced in that conductor is given by
38. While comparing magnetic and electric circuits the flux of magnetic circuit is compared to which parameter of electric circuit
39. The unit of magnetic permeability is
40. Lenz’s law is consequence of the law of conservation of
41. Magnetic moment is a
42. Two parallel straight conductors carrying current in same direction the force between them
43. The magnetic field at any point on the axis of current carrying circular coil will be
44. Pointing vectors has the units of
45. Velocity of plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum is equals to
46. For a good dielectric the intrinsic impedance is given by
47. The reflection coefficient is a
48. The concept of displacement current was a major contribution attributed to
49. Units for electric flux density
50. Energy stored in a capacitor
11. Same as that on the surface
12.3 million volts
13. current/area
14. N/m
15. farad/meter
16. Semi conductors
17. Conservation of charge
18. Zero
19. Large
20. Potential difference between electrodes
21. Breakdown
22. Compressive force
23. Q2/2C
24. Capacity of the charged conductor
26. Zero
27. coulumb/sq.m
29. Del*H=J
30. Del.B= 0
31. Del. D =P v
32. H=I/2╥R
33 Lorentz force law
34. Right hand thumb rule
35. Zero
36. Repulsive
37. Faradays law
38. Conductivity
39. henry/meter
40. Energy
41. Vector quantity
42. Attraction
43. parallel to the axis
44. watts/meter2


47. Integer
48. Maxwell
49. coulomb/meter2

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