1) When the generating units in power plant are loaded with equal incremental costs then what will be cost of generation?
2) When will the cost of generation decrease?
3) What can we derive from the incremental curve for thermal generation?
4) The optimal loading of generators corresponding to equal incremental cost point of all the generators. What is the equation called?
5) What will happen to generator if the power demand increases suddenly?
6) Which is the type of generation station with minimum running cost?
7) What is the general form of fuel cost equation?
8) The practical derivative dPi =dPGi is referred as?
9) What is the equation by which the loss coefficient B12 can be calculated?
10) Express incremental fuel cost.
11) Express the cause that provides steady state power output setting for the turbine.
12) Express the equation in terms of generation and Bmn coefficientsin the transmission loss a two plant system.
13) What will be the value of the incremental loss for equal incremental cost for all plants?
14) Express the term ‘Penalty factor’.
15) The electric company has to decide in advance which generator to start up and when to connect them to network and the sequence in which the operating units be shut down and for how long. This computational procedure is called by the term?
16) The minimum demand that always exist on the system is called by the term?
17) What is an isolated system?
18) What is ALFC?
19) An extended power system can be divided into a number of load frequency control areas. What is the term used for inter connection?
20) The power flow between lines A and B by te line is given by equation?
21) What is ACE?
22) If all generators respond in unison then this is called?
23) What is the relation between kinetic energy and the speed of the generator?
24) What is the change in frequency of t he integral control area of the system?
25) What are the factors on which the system damping strongly depends?
26) When is the synchronizing power maximum?
27) In how many ways the position of pilot value can be effected via the linkage system?
28) What is the relation between two tie line powers if the areas are identical?
29) What is the damping coefficient formula?
30) What is the relation between Tg , Tt , Tp ?
31) What are the units for static frequency?
32) The speed changer has fixed setting and the load demand changes this is known as?
33) What is the range of turbine time-constant?
34) What is the synchronizing coefficient between two areas of power system?
35) What is the relation between frequency and the load angle?
36) What is ‘swing equation’?
37) What is the necessity of keeping the frequency of an alternator constant?
38) What is a synchronous condenser?
39) Which type of generation has maximum efficiency?
40) Which type of generation has maximum air pollution?
41) What is meant by ‘SCADA’?
42) The equation synchronizing coefficient between two generators?
43) What for series capacitor are used on transmission line?
44) What is the condition for uncontrolled case in a two area system?
45) What is the effect of series capacitor in a transmission line?
46) What is the effect of shunt capacitor at load bus?
47) Which of the compensator directly improve system load ability?
48) The value of penalty factor is?
49) What is the unit of speed regulation?
50) What is the unit of heat rate?
1) Minimum
2) When the load factor increases
3) Fuel cost in Rs/hr
4) Co ordination
5) Frequency will decrease
6) Hydro electric
7) (½)aPGi2+bPGi+d
8) Incremental transmission losses

10) aPGi+b
11) speed changer
12) B11P12+B22P22+2B12P1P2
13) Zero
14) Li =

15) Unit commitment
16) Base load
17) A single turbo generator supplying an isolated load
18) Automatic load frequency control
19) Tie-lines
20) PAB =

21) Area control error
22) Control are
23) K.E

24) Zero
25) f0 and H
26) no load
27) 3 ways
28) Ptie1= -Ptie2
29) D=

30) Tg < Tt <TP
31) HZ
32) Free governor operation
33) 0.2 to 2 sec




38) An over excited synchronous motor
39) Hydro power
40) Steam power plant
41) Supervisory control and data acquisition system
42) T12 = 

43) To compensate for line inductive reactance


46) Improve system voltage
47) Series capacitance
48) More than unity
49) HZ/MW
50) Kcal/KWh
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